Saturday, March 31, 2012

Locks Of Love!

I saw this HBO special recently about this non-profit organization called "Locks of Love". It really touched my heart. Young people, especially girls struggling with various cancers, have to go through kemo therapy and, as sad result lose their hair. Can you imagine the mental trauma these kids deal with while trying to come to terms with their own mortality? At a time when their self-esteem is at it's lowest, when they need to be in a positive frame of mind, their moral is at it's lowest. People, and especially, their peers are not treating them like the normal girls. They feel that they are freakish in some way. Most won't even leave the house.
By donating at the most 12 Inches of healthy hair will provide these young individuals of some of the most important medicine they will need to recover from something that most of us dread. I'm doing it. I call on you to do it too!
Kisses, Rita!
More to come with the other stuff!
Here's the link: