Thursday, March 8, 2012

Take Me Out To The Ball Game!

Guess what I did today! I saw my first ever pre-season game with the Yankees! Laura and I are in Florida. She is working with some banks and I am researching the local restaurants. I was so "baseball starved" that I just had to see a game. Over the past few weeks I had be re-watching (with Danny) the great documentary, "Baseball" directed by Ken Burns. If you are a fan you should own it. It really is, along with jazz and our constitution the greatist contributions our nation has made to the culture of the planet. I know that you want me to get back to the "story about the New Girlfriends" and I will but I just needed to share this with you. I'd rather talk about the National Pastime than politics but the way things are going I may not be able to keep my mouth shut for long. I think you know where my sympathies lie!
Kisses....Rita.....Play ball!!!!